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Introduction to OT and IOT

This course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of protecting and managing industrial control environments. You will learn about the unique challenges related to securing OT systems, the best practices for securing and managing them, and the latest techniques for detecting and responding to cyber threats.

In today’s world, technology is increasingly intertwined with our daily lives, including in the industrial sector. Industrial control systems are critical components in various industries such as manufacturing, energy, transportation, and healthcare. The seamless operation of these systems is essential for the smooth functioning of the economy and the well-being of society.

However, the increased use of technology in the industrial sector has also led to an increased risk of cyber attacks. Industrial control systems are a prime target for cybercriminals seeking to disrupt critical infrastructure, cause financial losses, or steal valuable data. Therefore, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of how to protect and manage industrial control environments effectively.

Whether you are an IT or OT professional, a cybersecurity expert, or an engineer responsible for managing industrial control systems, this course will equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to protect critical infrastructure and keep your organization safe from cyber threats.


Mateusz Banasiak

IT and Cybersecurity training specialist

Address e-mail: Mateusz.Banasiak@pl.ey.com

Phone number: +48 453 712 759


799.00 PLN netto

982.77 PLN brutto

Previous lowest price was 982.77 .

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In this training you will get to learn and understand:

  • The definition of OT and IoT and what are the differences between them;
  • An examples of OT systems and IoT assets and what they are used for;
  • Benefits of OT/IoT (Internet of Things) cybersecurity solutions;
  • The process of OT asset management and OT asset discovery;
  • Types of asset scanning and their processes;
  • OT CMDB (Configuration management database) definition and how it can be leveraged for other OT security processes and services;
  • Good OT cybersecurity governance methods and how they differ from IT governance;
  • OT Monitoring, tools and its’ functionalities;
  • Methods of industrial environment network monitoring;
  • Key concepts and purpose of network segmentation;
  • Method of carrying out security assessments of the OT environment and used standards.

Objectives and Benefits

The following course is an OT (Operational Technology) dedicated training where you will learn how to protect and manage industrial control environments.

For whom?

The training is designed for everyone who wants to upskill themselves in OT cybersecurity fundamentals from various sectors such as:

  • manufacturing,
  • healthcare,
  • chemicals,
  • gas & oil,
  • power and utilities,
  • education,
  • telecommunications,
  • transportation,
  • electrotechnical,
  • industrial automation,
  • building automation,
  • OT cybersecurity consulting,


After completing the course you will receive a certificate.

Course language

The course is conducted in English.

Course duration and access

Course duration: 3:00:00.
Access to this course is granted for 365 days since the first access.

Program details


Piotr Ciepela Global Leader in Architecture Security and Modern Technologies, EY Partner
Leszek Mróz EY Polska, Technology Consulting, OT/IoT Security Hub, Partner
Bartosz Nieróbca EY Polska, Technology Consulting, OT/IoT Security Hub, Manager