
Średnia: 4.5 | Głosów: 2

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IFRS Basic

IFRS Basic training course introduces and develops knowledge and understanding of the underlying principles, concepts and regulations relating to financial accounting under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

The course introduces and develops knowledge and understanding of the underlying principles, concepts and regulations relating to financial accounting under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). It concentrates in depth on recording, processing, and reporting business transactions and events. It also covers the principles of accounts preparation and drafting financial statements (i.e. the statement of financial position, the income statement, the statement of changes in equity and the cash flow). The course additionally introduces the concept of consolidation and covers preparation of simple consolidated financial statements.


Patrycja Bawolska

Course coordinator

Address e-mail: patrycja.bawolska@pl.ey.com

Phone number: +48 797 305 720


1050.00 PLN netto

1291.50 PLN brutto

Previous lowest price was 1,291.50 .

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Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: Principles of Double Entry

Module 3: Principles of Double Entry continued

Module 4: Final Accounts

Module 5: Final Accounts continued

Module 6: IAS 16: Property, Plant and Equipment

Module 7: IAS 16 continued

Module 8: IAS 1: Presentation of Financial Statements

Module 9: IAS 1 continued

Module 10: IAS 2: Inventories

Module 11: IAS 7: Statement of Cash Flows

Module 12: IAS 7 continued

Module 13: IAS 10 and IAS 37

Module 14: IAS 38, IAS 8

Module 15: Simple Consolidated Financial Statements

Module 16: Simple Consolidated Financial Statements continued

Module 17: Simple Consolidated Financial Statements continued part.2

For whom?

This e-learning is especially recommended to:

  • New employees of finance and accounting departments who want to get familiar or refresh their basic knowledge of financial accounting under IFRS in English
  • Employees of shared service centers who want to broaden their understanding of accounting and preparation of financial statements

Certificate and educational points

After completing the training, you will receive a certificate.

Course language

The course is conducted in English.

Course duration and access

Course duration: 34:18:06.
Access to this course is granted for 365 days since the first access.

Program details


Wojtek Łyjak FCAA, CFA